BizTrainingNow was created to assist you, the small business owner, with the most challenging aspects of running a successful enterprise. Most business people are great at whatever their business does; whether building, designing, selling or creating, that’s probably what motivated you to start your business in the first place. The challenge is to make money doing what you love. And not just make a profit, but create a vehicle for achieving your personal goals. That’s really what the business should be and why you take the risks you do. You deserve more than just getting by, working long hours and hoping for a reward in the end. BizTrainingNow will teach you to understand the essentials of business planning and management necessary to transform your business from running your life to providing the lifestyle and compensation you expect.
Founder and lead trainer Vince Butler brings more than thirty years of small business experience coupled with decades of teaching others how to apply the principles of small business success. Running a second generation homebuilding company gives him added insight into the special challenges of family businesses. Vince has a BS degree in Financial Management from Virginia Tech and is a Graduate Master Remodelor (GMR), Graduate Master Builder (GMB) and Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS). He is a nationally recognized speaker on residential construction management topics and a approved NAHB Instructor. He has presented at many national and regional trade shows including the International Builders Show, The Remodeling Show, Sunbelt Builders Show, Southeast Builders Conference, Atlantic Builders Conference, Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC) and the NAHB Remodelers Road Show. He was named NAHB CAPS Educator of the Year in 2012. In 2016 Vince was approved as one of the first Master Instructors for NAHB and was named Builder Remodeler Educator of the Year for 2017.
As a recognized expert on Aging-In-Place and Universal Design, Vince has appeared on CBS, CNN, NBC and HGTV as well as authored numerous articles in both trade and mainstream publications. He has conducted over 175 Certified-Aging-In-Place (CAPS) courses throughout the U.S. and Canada and was the principal writer of the curriculum for CAPS II entitled “Design Concepts for Livable Homes and Aging-In-Place”. He contributed to the National Kitchen and Bath Association on-demand course “Kitchens and Baths for Aging-In-Place” as well as authored the chapter on “Seeing as We Age” in the NKBA book “Kitchen and Bath Lighting”.